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Addressing the Unexpected

Writer: REIREI

Updated: May 20, 2024

by Karen Flowers, Country Leader, Egypt

We all know when a new baby arrives, life changes forever.


In Egypt, there is societal expectation for women to effortlessly transition into their roles as mothers. Acknowledging postpartum depression (PPD) contradicts social norms and is too often met with resistance. Consequently, many women with PPD experience stigma, isolation, ridicule and therefore are reluctant to ask for help.

A significant problem in addressing PPD is the limited acknowledgment among healthcare providers, family members, and mothers themselves. The lack of awareness regarding PPD symptoms, risk factors, and available support resources makes it difficult to recognize and seek the help they need.

An educated mom is more likely to navigate postpartum well..

While Egypt is making progress in enhancing its maternal healthcare system, mental health is still a subject not openly talked about. There is a shortage of specialized healthcare professionals, and of those, there are few who are trained in perinatal mental health. This creates a significant challenge in providing care and treatment for mothers with PPD.

Creating support networks for these women provides a safe place for them to alleviate feelings of isolation and as they share their experiences, they know they are not alone. Birth Guardians is committed to creating and facilitating these support groups, both in-person and online, intentionally helping women connect, share coping strategies, and access emotional support from peers who can empathize with them.

Continued family support is critical to managing through postpartum well.

Recognizing postpartum depression is a matter of importance for the well-being of mothers and their families. By addressing social and cultural stigmas, raising awareness, and fostering support networks, Birth Guardians is making significant strides in helping mothers with PPD. Our efforts help ensure that women receive the empathy, understanding, and care they need during this vulnerable time of their families’ lives.

You, too, can help! If you or someone you know has suffered PPD, please write your personal story, your challenges, and how you found your way through. These stories are so beneficial to those suffering, as they realize they are not alone and there is hope for light on the other side. Share your story on our Birth Guardian Facebook page, or on our website:


Your story may be the one that gives a woman here the courage to step out of the depression and seek the help she needs.



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