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Caring for Those Who've Said "Yes!"

Writer: REIREI

Updated: Aug 17, 2024

It takes, well, a ‘village’

by David Staff, Director of Field Staff Care, REI HQ


I’ll confess. I’m an unashamed cartoons fan. Give me the funnies over the front page every time. Small joys regularly come from reading a well-crafted set of panels that bring a giggle or laugh right at the end.


Since 1951, Hank Ketcham and his assistants have brought us the trials and travails of Mr. Wilson, who has a young next-door neighbor boy named Dennis. Dennis Mitchell, age 5, is often “Dennis the Menace” for George Wilson in just about every and any way. 


A recently featured cartoon found George and his wife Martha processing the latest irritation Dennis has authored in George’s experience. Martha, always the tender heart toward young Dennis, tried to remind her husband, “Remember, George, it takes a village to raise a child.” To which George replies (as he watches Dennis skip down the sidewalk), “In his case, it takes a WHOLE PLANET!”




Since the beginning of May 2024, my wife Pamela and I have stepped into REI’s role of Director of Field Staff Care. For those who have said “yes” to serve through REI in one of our international opportunities, REI seeks to provide care that sustains as well as care that responds to special needs.

Pamela and I come to the role out of 40+ years of providing directional leadership, coaching, and teaching. Pamela’s giftedness has been expressed both in the educational arena (elementary education teacher), music, and relationships. Her empathy, compassion, and ability to step in to help naturally emerge when she is with people. I’ve been privileged to serve in leadership and teaching roles both in the USA and overseas, particularly in Central Asia.


Admittedly, we are learners in this role, but what we are discovering should come as no surprise. “It takes a village” to care well for those who have said “yes” to preparing, gathering support, uprooting, moving to and settling into a new country, culture, and language.  


No one couple can provide all the important care that is needed. It takes a village, a team, one which members share responsibility and contribute our staff’s health and fitness. Our mission statement for field staff care emphasizes this.



A simple diagram pictures well the “village.”

David Pollock (Director of Interaction) insightfully notes:


“The flow of care is made possible only with a flow of caregivers. [Overseas workers] themselves, along with their mutually supportive relationships with nationals/locals, are surely a major part of the care needed for longevity. But that is not, of course, all that is required. Personnel/human resource directors…coupled with specialists in the fields of medicine, mental health, education, crisis and conflict management and so on, must coordinate and integrate their activities…a network for communication is required to coordinate efforts, cross-pollinate the care disciplines, and communicate the availability of these services” (in Kelley O’Donnell, ed., Doing Member Care Well, 2002, pp.31-32).

REI staff at an all-staff retreat in August 2022

I trust this provides a peak, or perhaps a refresher, on what caring for our overseas staff involves. It does take a village. With your helpful encouragement and support, our staff will experience the care needed to sustain a long career in “building people to build nations,” REI’s mission.                    



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