The nation of Djibouti is at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, on the Gulf of Aden between the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. Its neighbors are Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia – and its struggles are not unlike those of these surrounding nations.
One in four people in Djibouti lives in extreme poverty, and with almost no land suitable for growing crops, the nation experiences chronic food deficits. Refugee camps overflow with people fleeing the religious extremism in Somalia and wars in neighboring nations. And overcrowded refugee camps are often home to utter despair.
But the Djiboutian people are hard-working and determined to chart a course for their nation that enables them to thrive. That’s why REI has partnered with their government for the last 10 years to promote and increase English language programs nationwide, and expand educational opportunities through the International School of Djibouti (ISD). Established in 2016, ISD provides English-based education from kindergarten through the twelfth grade, focusing on discovery, creativity and problem-solving. The students are exposed to a world of opportunities through the resident staff and teachers, as well as short-term teams.
After a decade in the refugee camp after fleeing with his family from Somalia, Mahamoud had outgrown the camp educational system, which only went through the eighth grade. Mahamoud was invited to be part of the ISD community and is now being trained in English and professional skills. His goal is to establish his own business so he is focusing his studies on communication and entrepreneurship.
You can help provide a scholarship to a student like Mahamoud, providing a future along with an education. Please give today and help REI educate the youth of a nation that is desperately in need to hope in these dark times.
(Provide a future by selecting "International School of Djibouti" from the dropdown menu).
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