by David A. Staff, REI Director of Field Staff Care
The current decade (2021-2030) has produced a post-COVID-19 world. Quarantines have been lifted; travel restrictions rescinded. Businesses and organizations like ours (REI, Inc.) are eager to deploy cross-cultural workers where the international doors are open. It’s an exciting time to be alive.
Yet emerging research is demonstrating again that there are significant mental health challenges that face expatriates. The excitement and wonder of transferring to a new country and experiencing a new culture can fade when, as Dr. Daniel Fox puts it, “it’s not all adventure.”

Writing for Psychology Today (March 2, 2023), Fox observes, “There seems to be a paucity of research about the expatriate experience. Many employees, their families, and employers do not have the information to proactively prepare for the experience and manage mental health concerns, whether overt or covert. Therefore, many issues and concerns will likely go unnoticed until they reach a tipping point while the expatriate is overseas.”[i]
Studies have shown that overseas workers are at higher risk for experiencing significant mental health concerns. More acutely they are prone to depression, sleeping issues, anxiety, even a lessened ability to focus. Thus, healthy cross-cultural adjustment is a must. The reality is this – “lower levels of successful adjustment (are) related to higher levels of psychological distress,” while “a higher degree of successful adjustment (having someone to talk to and receive comfort from about homesickness or loneliness) relates to a higher degree of successful adjustment.”[ii]
Fox identifies the following eight challenges facing expatriates.
Acclimating to a new language and culture – a honeymoon phase is followed by a disorienting dissonant phase
Facing unrealistic and unmet expectations – rose colored glasses come off
Feelings of isolation and homesickness
Having an overfull and overwhelming agenda
Lack of awareness of mental health concerns – if organization failed to assess mental health history or current issues
Known preexisting mental health issues – new overseas living stress causes them to emerge
Making long-distance relationships work – important is establishing communication rhythms and visit expectations which combat fragmentation from family
Inadequate personal support – feeling removed from their organization and/or families

These challenges do not suggest the wholescale cessation of sending gifted, productive people into international opportunities. Rather, they call for more adequate assessment and preparation, as well as supplying ongoing mental health interactions and resources for those serving overseas. Proactively wise organizations have found that conducting psychological and mental health assessments are a preparation-must. For those who have transitioned, peer mentorship initiatives and regular overseas mental health (“live” – in person) training workshops can effectively address the issues expatriates face.[iii]
Over the initial seven months of serving the initiative of staff member care, I’ve regularly heard similar inputs from overseas staff about what it takes to stay mentally and emotionally healthy in a new culture.
More recently, I simply asked, what are those things provided by others (e.g., fellow team members, those back home, significant others, REI HQ, etc.) that help sustain you in the "building people to build nations" effort? In other words, what puts fuel in your tank week-in, week-out?
Not surprisingly, the feedback offered addressed many of the challenges cited above. Listen in!
“We are sustained when those back home validate the hard stuff we often face.”
“We serve on a team, all at the same partner institution, that allows for regular and frequent interaction nearly every day, informal interactions (over a cup of coffee) as well as regularly schedule team meetings and events.”
“Knowing that folks working at HQ, whether our leadership or our colleagues serving in various capacities, are thinking about and addressing our needs in the field, provides encouragement. It keeps us from feeling isolated and alone in the field.”
“Our field people (team members, spouse, other workers) provide such good accountability, encouragement, relational connection and community, covering for each other and empathizing in the challenges, losses, and sacrifices.”
“When those back home not only read our newsletters, but respond to them, reaching out back to us to ask questions and know more.”
“Team members who keep our focus on the vision and the Why for being here.”
“Being able to communicate personally with family members and significant others, who hear us and offer advice. Others just listen and respond, letting us know we’ve been heard.”
“Opportunities for restful group (no pressure) activities with team members.”

To those who know someone or some family serving overseas as expatriates, and reading this, I urge the following. Read through, thoughtfully, the bullet-points above.
Then, be a responsive partner to those you know. Your responsive initiative – your investment in them – through the variety of available digital and video connections (e.g., Zoom, WhatsApp, Signal, etc.) provides critical, life-giving mental health support. When you receive a newsletter, write back interacting with what they have shared. When you have a free evening on the calendar, figure out a way to schedule a video “face-to-face.” This is especially important for those who are new to living across the pond and are in the initial stages of adjustment.
Ancient wisdom reminds, “the tongue of the wise brings healing” and “gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” Each of us has opportunities to bring sustaining life to one another – and especially to those we know adjusting to a new culture and country – through our intentional, uplifting communication. Let’s seize these as often as we can.
[ii] Ibid.
[iii] Ibid.