In the last year and one-half, REI has sent 15 new staff overseas! All young, they represent the future of our work. With the continued expansion of REI projects, we are working at recruiting and sending many more.

Kirk and Krystal Galster moved to Djibouti in 2017 to support the REI-inspired International School of Djibouti through Kirk’s role as the assistant director and financial administrator.

Antony and Rachel Ritton are just finishing their two years working as a teacher and social worker with the International School of Djibouti.

Josh and Kelsey Manfred moved to Djibouti a year ago with their family to serve as teachers in the growing International School of Djibouti.

Cassie Schwartz spent a semester with REI teaching at the International School of Djibouti.

Alyssa Meyer has worked for Cargill in the field of dairy science. She is using these professional skills to work with science faculty and students at the Hanoi National University of Education.

Florence Fong, a Singaporean, is a Medical Social Worker looking to develop that field in Vietnam.

Amara Sunnarborg is teaching intermediate level English classes to Health Professionals at the Children’s Hospital in Laos.

Erik Howe’s education is in mechanical engineering. He has just joined the team in Indonesia to apply his training and experience to the expansion of the SunREI food project.

Jake and Amber Fettig are the most recent members of REI in Indonesia. Jake is joining the SunREI team as an agricultural/ environmental technical advisor and Amber is using her degree in English as a Second Language Education to teach at a local language school.