training highlights
The training you will receive before joining REI as a staff member is extensive and covers topics such as leadership, fundraising, relationships, thriving, development, and many more.
You will have a 5-day New Staff Orientation that provides opportunities to connect with REI’s headquarter staff and learn all about REI’s distinctives as well as general aspects of your new role with REI. You will also receive training to begin fundraising. At the end of this aspect of training you will formally be appointed as REI staff.
You will then spend the next three months (more if necessary) focused on fundraising and meeting with a fundraising coach who will provide guidance and accountability.
After that, you will have a 4-week Pre-Field Training where you will receive training in cultural adaptation, how to thrive overseas and in a team, how to maintain communication with your donor team as well as interacting and connecting with the REI home team.
Once you arrive on the field, you will continue to receive training in cultural adaptation and working cross culturally with a team.
Below are snapshots of different areas covered in your New Staff Orientation and Pre-Field Training.
how we lead
REI’s president provides leadership to the organization. He is advised by a leadership team, which consists of other headquarters employees. A board of directors provides governance and guidance for REI.
Overseas, each team is led by a country leader who also provides mentoring and guidance to the field staff. Each country leader is directly involved in the work and has an established presence in the local community, often working alongside nationals on a daily basis.

serving single
We recognize that single people are making a sacrifice to serve overseas. Our goal is never to send anyone alone. Ideally, each team will have at least two single women and two single men. Once you are in country, you will be surrounded by others your age, both nationals and teammates, and have the opportunity to get to know them deeply.
Regardless of your current stage of life, we seek to provide mentorship that will enable you to grow and mature, both personally and as a professional.
family life
Many of our staff raised, or are currently raising, their children on the field. Each would admit to a balance of sacrifice and blessing. These children have the unique opportunity to grow up cross culturally, their formative years molded by learning a different language and culture.
We seek to have a long-lasting impact by investing in our own families and providing mentorship to our staff families on the field. The generational blessing of this kind of service ripples throughout REI.

partner development
The idea of fundraising unfortunately keeps many people away from serving overseas. When you become staff, REI provides you extensive fundraising training along with a fundraising coach who will help you monitor your progress and make suggestions for improvement.
Approaching a potential fundraising partner can be nerve-racking, but we’ll give you tips and training on how to develop a successful partnership. We like to encourage our staff this way: the calling to this type of service sparks the boldness to believe the funds will be provided.
keys to success
It’s no secret that serving overseas has its challenges. We don’t sugarcoat these obstacles you will face, but we do equip you for success on the field. We follow time-honored principles that have helped millions succeed.
First, we serve in teams. Having others around you who have faced similar challenges will help you as you navigate them. Teams often act as families: provide support and encouragement for personal growth, help increase your job satisfaction and reduce stress.
Second, we are grateful for all that comes our way. Even through the ups and downs, we choose to see the good in all situations.
Finally, we adhere to our vision, mission, and values in all we do.